Assignment 2 JS - 4 tasks

1. Use JavaScript to create a web page that allows clients to order pizza. Clients should be able to select size, toppings, type of crust, and method of payment. Validate that the form is correct before submitting it. Upon submission, the form should display the user’s selection.
2. Create a web page for a shuttle company. The client should be able to reserve a ticket using this page, selecting the date and time, pick-up and destination locations, and the method of payment from a list of available options. Your code should validate the form before it is submitted.
3. Create a JavaScript program that asks for a URL with the format protocol://part1.part2.….extension and reads it into a string. Then, the code should split the string into an array. For example, if the URL is, the resulting array must contain the following elements: http, www, google, and com.
4. Write a simple app that uses the Google Maps API. Include a map centered on the user’s current position. Also, include a map centered on a Canadian city of your choice.